Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Suteras At Campout

Ralph Sutera is teaching us a song using his power-point projector. Brother Lou is on the Accordian. They are both excellent and challenging speakers. We had many new people at camp because of them. And here's the good news. They are coming back again next year! Praise the Lord..  Posted by Picasa

I wanna come too!
so what's stopping you auntie?? all are welcome
Suzie's right (as always). Why not make it a part of your vacation. The Camp is only an hour and a half from the airport. (In northern Alberta, that's like being just around the corner!)
Oh you guys! You are really pulling me in, y'know! I miss you all terribly!
Thats great they will be able to make it another year.It sounds like the Lord blessed everyone for the week.
It is a whole week of "kick off those shoes and relax" week. Of course also, putting on a "few pounds" in the dining hall. No charge for the camp. They just rely on "donations". In fact, I had to laugh, the one time Suzie and I drove back into camp, there was Ralph and Lou Sutera (can't remember which one), walking across the camp in "bare feet", on over to the big building. Have you ever seen them without those suitcoats?

On Sunday morning, Ralph apologized to the few people who were actually wearing suit coats. He said, "I was told to dress for "camp", and so I did". Hummmm??? Now, I wonder who woulda told him that??

You're right, none other than "dat wascally wabbit herself".
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