Friday, April 20, 2007


The Stork Has Landed

It's a bird, it's a plane, its Super Roger!
Arrival time: Tuesday, April 17, about 7:00 a.m.
Weight: 7 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces.
Destination: Camrose Alberta
Attending physician: None, Stork flew too fast!
Gender: Male
Name: Robert Edward, after his two grandfathers, one of which is deceased.
Proud parents: Brian and Suzanne Dumont

Proud Grandpa

Proud Grandma

Roger at home with his mother.

(Sorry this pics are sideways, I posted them straight from the memory card)


And the Winner is....

Thanks to all who tried the "Canadian Quiz" Here are your stars! Jeannie and Dianne, you get silver stars. Sherry, you get bronze. There is only one wrong answer in the whole thing. All of you thought it was a right answer. If you compare answers you should see that two cannot both be right. (Sherry you are technically right about the spelling of "Canadien" but I was not being that technical here!)

Saturday, April 14, 2007


The Canadian Language

For my American friends, this is a quiz to see to how well you know “Canadian.”

1. Canadian
a. a person born in Canada..
b. a Montreal Hockey player.
c. a Beer famous in Canada
d. a River in Oklahoma.

2. Hockey
a. Canada’s national sport.
b. How Canadians fought the cold war.
c. An Indian word meaning: “It hurts!”
d. A game invented in Canada that is played on ice with skates, a puck and special sticks

3. “Eh”
a. Pronounced: “A.”
b. A word that unites all Canadians.
c. Definition: “Isn’t that right?”
d. What Canadians say instead of “Huh?”

4. “The Battle of Alberta”
a. A hockey rivalry between the Oilers and the Flames.
b. A hockey rivalry that is older than the province of Alberta.
c. A mutual hatred between Edmonton and Calgary.
d. A rivalry fueled by Edmonton becoming the provincial capital instead of Calgary.

5. Tim Hortons
a. A former hockey player for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
b. Where you go to get a “large double double!”
c. A franchise named after a famous hockey player.
d. The safest place in Canada because the R.C.M.P. are always there.

6. Lacrosse
a. Canada’s national sport.
b. A game I’ve never seen played.
c. A game invented by the Indians of central Canada.
d. A sport growing in popularity across Canada.

7. Loonie
a. Someone who is crazy. Eg: “Our politicians are loonie!”
b. A coin for the pop machine.
c. A name derived from a bird native to Canada.
d. The Canadian one dollar coin.

8. Zamboni
a. The name of an inventor in Los Angeles
b. Verb: “to groom,” used only in reference to ice.
c. A labor saving device seen across North America.
d. A machine that scrapes, floods, and smoothes ice in one operation.

9. Governor-General
a. The chief head of state in Canada.
b. The highest appointed position in Canada.
c. The Queen’s representative in Canada.
d. The person who must sign all bills passed by Parliament before they can become law.

10. Curling
a. The one event that Canada has always won at the Winter Olympics.
b. A game that requires skill and strategy, rather than speed and athletic ability.
c. What Canadians play when they are too old for hockey.
d. A Scottish invention involving the use of rocks and brooms on an extremely level ice surface.

Anyone who gets 100% will get a gold star. (90%, a silver star, and 80%, a bronze star.)
Chuck, Sherry and Larry, I’d especially liked to see each of you give this a try!

Some other Canadian terminology I did not include in the quiz, and which are more regional are:
a. North of 60.
b. “Outside”
c. The Prairies
d. Central Canada
Give me your suggestions as to what they mean.
Have fun. I’m looking forward to your responses.

Here’s some more Canadian Trivia you can have fun with. (courtesy my twin brother)

a. Arctic Ocean
b. Hudson Bay
c. Pacific Ocean


a. Baseball
b. Basketball
c. Hockey

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Seven Sure Signs of Spring

#7 Canada Geese flying overhead. (Proplem: they were flying south!)
#6 Children are out on their bikes.
#5 Men are out on their bikes!
#4 I'm thinking about changing the car's tires from winter to summer. (Oops, I think I need to buy a couple new ones!)
#3 The temperature hit 13 C. (55 F) for the first time in six months.
#2 The NHL Playoffs have stated.
And the #1 sure sign of spring is scores of young couples walking down the street holding hands.

(Brings back memories. At Briercrest Bible Institute, as it was called back then, we could hold hands on the skating rink, or to keep our girl-friends from falling on the ice throughout the winter, but when spring came it was "hands off!" No wonder so many couples got married.)

Welcome Spring!

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