Saturday, September 23, 2006


It's Autumn!

It's official. About 10:30 last night (our time) the Sun crossed the equator on its way south. This marks the beginning of Autumn, or Fall, as we North Americans often call it.

What does this mean? Well, for starters, everyone all over the world has roughly the same abount of daylight today. But those of us closer to either one of poles get a longer twilight. So we win! But not for long. At this time of year the days are shortening quite rapidly.

Fall means shorter days are coming.
Fall means time to rake leaves (yes I've been doing my share.)
Fall means harvest, bringing images of ripe pumpkins, squash, and corn on the cob. Across the Canadian Prairies this is usually the time farmers are putting in long hours on their combines, bringing in their crops in a race against time. But not this year! It was an exceptionally warm and dry summer. The crops ripened much earlier than normal. And the farmers had excellent harventing weather. The down side--most crops were light, about half the normal yield.

Fall means preparation time. Get ready for winter, it's coming! In the Yukon, we went out and gathered in wood for our winter heat.

Fall means ministry time. In the churches we've been in, this is the time programs start for the (long) winter: Sunday School, kids clubs, youth groups, Bible studies, etc.

Fall means hunting season. For the outdoorsman, its time to put away the fishing rod and take out the shotgun. Gotta get some geese before they all fly south with the tourists and "snow birds." ("Snow birds" are Canadians who go to Arizona or Florida for the winter. That's why both places have NHL hockey teams!) The rifles will come out soon too, as men go after Deer, Elk, and Moose, maybe even Bear.(But not the Tiger that escaped during a vehicle accident yesterday. Yes that really happened about a hundred miles from here!)

Fall means sports. For Ron it means a whole new venture as Assistant Coach of the Wolves, his collenge Baskeball team. For the amature, it's the beginning of Basketball, Football, and Hockey. For the couch potatoe, it's smorg time! Baseball teams are racing into the finals. Football is in full swing. And Hockey teams have started the pre-season.

Fall means work, and lots of it. Stores are busier, so Colleen is busier. People are wanting to get their homes ready for winter, so I'm busier making doors. Too busy!

Fall means change. We go through Fall every year but its never exactly the same. For one thing Colleen and I have changed churches. Something we've never done, except to take a Pastorate. We are enjoying it and looking forward to getting more involved. In all the changes we go through, our unchanging God is there, to guide, support, encourage, forgive, and carry us as we lean on Him.

This is a very good explanation of Fall.You hit it right on the nose.Jeannie and Larry are out of a home church right now also.I have no idea why but I do know its a discouraging time until you find one again.In the process of losing our pastor awhile back we have lost alot of good people.We have a new pastor finally with a family of seven kids.We need to get back to filling the pews again.Anyway I love you and enjoyed reading your post about Fall.
I love this photo of fall leaves. Thanks for always being so supportive on my blog, Uncle E.
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