Saturday, October 14, 2006


A Trip, a Door, a Turkey, and a Moose

Last weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving. Because Colleen had Monday and Tuesady off, I worked Saturday and took Tuesday off too, so we could visit Suzanne, Brian Thomas, and Makayla as well as my Mom. I picked up Colleen after work, about 4:00 Sunday afternoon, and headed for Camrose, about a five and a half hour drive. After a short visit late Sunday evening, we headed to bed with visions of relaxation and Turkey dinner dancing in our heads.

Thnaksgiving Monday morning Suzanne suggested I look at her exterior doors. After giving my professional opinion, Suzanne said: "Lets go look at doors." Fine, I thought, I'm just the "consulting engineer" on this trip! By mid afternoon, Brian and I were ripping out the old door in order to replace it with a new one. In between tasks, Brian helped Suzanne and Colleen with the Thanksgiving meal. At 5:00 we stopped for Thanksgiving supper. But then it was back to the door to finish up the project before dark. Success at last, and I could now relax and enjoy my second piece of Pumpkin pie and whipped cream. (Colleen and made the pies before we left home.) So much for a relaxing day!

Tuesday morning Suzanne and Brian headed off to work, and Colleen and I headed off to see my Mom. She lives in an seniors condo in Ponoka, about an hour from Camrose. We hand a good visit and a good lunch with her. She will be 88 in two weeks. (Se's a week older than Billy Graham) She is looking a lot healthier than she did when I saw her a year ago.

Our trip home that evening was uneventful, except for one thing. I'd just taken over the wheel and gone about 5 miles when the headlights revealed a very large Moose directly in our path. I believe that was the only time I screeched tires trying to slow down from highway speed. Then I swerved a bit to avoid the Moose and hit the brakes again because the Moose looked like he might turn around. But instead he sauntered off into the ditch. We continued on home, thanking the Lord for His protection. They don't call that section of the highway "Moose Row" for nothing. Afterwards I thought, maybe I could have driven right under the Moose's belly, like Smokey and the Bandid! But then, I didn't have a black Trans Am either!

I'm enjoying our new door. Wanna come consult on the new sink to!?
Did Brian finish it? Sink? I'm no plumber but I can consult ONLY!!
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