Sunday, May 11, 2008


Spring Changes

With spring come changes. The tulips are starting to bloom again. The birds are moving back north. And we are selling our home.

Yes, after three years we are making some changes.

As you can see from the sign, our realtor is someone most of you know. Yesterday was "Town wide Garage Sale Day," here in Sexsmith. We were wanting to do this last year but it fell on the day of my Mother's funeral. Yes, she has been home with her Lord for a full year now.

We put a lot of "stuff" out into our garage and sold the majority of it! A successful day indeed. Then today our realtor had an "Open House" here. He was busy all afternoon and the prospects look good. Now, as Colleen puts it, we are standing with one foot raised, waiting for where the Lord will have us put it down.

Where are you looking at moving to?
Lots of questions,probably not alot of answers right now,right? I know that you talked about the possibility of picking up stakes.How about to Michigan? Yeh right,I guess that is out of the question.Your kids and grandkids would give you a field day on that one.It looks like my first question on the pictures on Colleen's blog was right.A move was possibly what the answer was.I love you and will keep this move in our prayers.May our good Lord lead you in the path he would have you to go.
What I know for (almost) sure is:

I start a new job on Tuesday. Still carpentering.

Once our house sells we will either build or buy a house close to where we will be working.

It will be nice to not have to do so much driving.

Will post more as our plans come together, all in the Lord's will and time.
sounds like you all like moving. but would be nice if you all moved here. but will keep you in my prayers.
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