Sunday, February 20, 2005


The dairy barns. The barn on the left was built when I was six. Ted and I scrambled all over the roof and help lay the cedar shingles when it was under construction. The barn on the right was build some ten years later and served as milking parlor and milk house. Posted by Hello

The Barnnnnnnnnnn.I wonder what all went on in this here ole barn as you we're growning up except milking the cows and singing to the barn kitties.I'll bet you have stories to tell.
Not too many. Ted and I made Dad a new wash table for Dad and hid it in the attic of the milkhouse and got it down after he'd gone to the house Christmas eve. There it was waiting for him Christmas morning. And one summer Ted and I had a bed made of shagings in the milk house. (The upstairs bedroom in the house was quite hot.) Dad loved this arrangement because we were there ready to do chores when he arrived in the morning!
Of the three of us boys on the farm (Bill, Ted, me) I was the best at getting up and getting out to the barn to help Dad with the chores. If Dad was upset because we were slow on a particular morning, I'd get the brunt of it and then he'd be cooled down by the time the other two got there. But there were other mornings when Dad would pass me on the way to the barn as he headed to the house to get us up. Thus I avoided a spanking that the others got!

Bill just hated the dairy cows. He went into beef cattle and has been a bonafied rancher all his life!
See all the Dandilions? Our yard was always full of them, so full in fact that I thought they were flowers, not weeds. One day our 90 year old Grandma who had grown up in West Virginia (She was a lot like Grannie Clampit)had us kids pick Dandilion leaves for "greens!" We went for production and picked the biggest ones. She fried them up but they were quite bitter and tough. Apparently the younger, smaller ones are a lot better but I've never had the inclination to try Dandiloin leaves again!
Oh yuk.Dandilion Stew oh me oh my. A flower bouquet is one thing but dandilion stew? Up Fremont way,Chuck's growing up place,there is a house with a huge,long front and side yard.It is always peppered with dandilions every year. They actually have a sign out front calling it Dandilion Acres.It's actually quite pretty but forget having a lush green lawn then.
It sounds like you we're always a good morning person. Thats what it takes to run a farm right and get the most out of every day that you can manage. It must have been frustrating to you to always get the brunt of your Dad's frustration.
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