Monday, January 23, 2006


The grandkids' room. Note the matching pine baseboard. Another bed will be needed soon! Posted by Picasa

Well done, Mr. Ed!
Thanks! The color scheme was Colleen's idea.She did most of the painting too. Ron suggested the pine baseboards that match the bed and nite stand.
Love the colors their nice and bright.I'll bet little Thomas loves yht room.Cheery I tell ya Cherry!
He loved it a Christmas. It's now equipped with the second identical bed for Makayla (or whoever).
Hey...if you need a second "honeymoon" room sometime (when the little kids aren't there), you can just shove those beds together, put a king-sized "egg-crate" foam mattress over it all, and top it with king-sized mattress cover and bed linens. Presto -- instant king-sized bed!
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