Wednesday, June 06, 2007


A Taste of Heaven, Again!

I had the privilege of attending the 60th Annaversary of Church of the Open Bible (my old home church) this past weekend.
The lady in the wheel chair is Mrs. Leimert. She is 101 years old. When I was about four years old, her neice had a Vacation Bible School at a one room school just down the hill from our house. From that a Sunday School started in Mrs. Leimert's home. That Sunday School later moved to our home. Rev. Don Hogman was the new young Pastor of Church of the Open Bible in Ponoka then. He came out on Sunday afternoons and led the Sunday School.

Here Rev. Don Hogman is leading singing with the help of Colleen Gadd (a shirttail relative we've known all her life), her daughter, and Mrs. Steers. I interned under Rev. Hogman when He was pastoring in Estavan, Sask. in the 1970's. He would come back and pastor the Ponoka church in the 1980's. We were there for a winter when we came out of the Yukon. He also spoke at my instalation service in Meeting Creek. So I say he's been my Pastor three times. (He recently led singing at my Mom's funeral.)

This is Todd Gadd, Colleen's husband, giving his testimony at the Annaversary service. Hearing his salvation story (through the family that would become his in-laws) was worth the trip. He cried, as did most of the congregation.
Pastor Lees (sorry no picture yet) gave the message. He was our Pastor when I was a teen-ager and took us to Briercrest Bible Institute's "Youth Quake." Hence I owe him my education, my ministry and my marriage to my wife Colleen whom I met there. When I was still in high school, Pastor Lees would make interesting little comments to me. Looking back, I realize he knew God was calling me to be a Pastor before I did!

Some of the church folk. I knew most of these people before I first left the Ponoka area.
God has been faithful to his church.
God has been faithful to his people.
God has been faithful to me!
We will see more of His faithfulness in Heaven.
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What a wonderful time you must have had going back to your old home church.Such memories to begin popping up from time past.Mrs.Leimert remembers it all I'm sure.It is always nice and interesting to sit and listen to such a person go back in her memories and tell her many stories.Chuck and my first church after we were first married in Grand Rapids was Church Of The Open Door.Pastor Slack was one of the college professors at Grand Rapids Bible and Music where we met each other.
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