Friday, November 19, 2004


In Hostile Territory

Will was tired. His horse was tired. He knew the Indians were "on the warpath," but he dicided to go across the Reserve anyway. Off the one side, a short distance away was a circle of Tee-Pees. Will hoped he could pass unnoticed or at least undisturbed. But he was soon spotted had here came several braved on horseback.

What should he do? Running was out of the question. The braves had fresh mounts. Will decided to stand his ground, and turned his horse to face them. The temptation to raise his rifle and shoot as many braves as he could was strong, but he realized that that would be the wrong thing to do.

Soon the braces circled around him. Will notices their war paind and that each brave had a rope in his hand. Had he tried to run, he'd probably been whipped to death.

"Paper?" one brave asked. "No," Will replied. He had no pass from the Indian Agent. No white folk were being allowed on the Reserve at that time.

Finall one brave suggested: "You come our camp." Will immediately spurred his horse and headed straingt for the Tee-Pees. The braves all followed him in. There he was received as their guest and he spend the night with them.

The next morning Will woke early and wanted to get on his way. But he knew he had to get permission. So he went to the Chief's Tee-Pee and called to him: "Me go now!" "Good, go head!" the Chief replied with a very sleeps voice. Will saddled his mount and was soon safely on his way home.

An amazing story! Such bravery--such wisdom--such divine protection!
"Will" was your grandfather?
Yes, My Grandpa, William Calvin Turner. I was going to mention that at then end. Sorry about the spelling. Will edit it some day soon.
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