Friday, February 04, 2005


The Globe-Trotting Moose

Gramdpa shows off his prize from a 1970 hunting trip to northern Manitoba. On their way, he and Dan Revoir took Colleen to catch the bus from Portage La Prairie, Manitoba across to Briercreat Bible College and the outstreached arms of her beloved Elmer Fud (They would be engaged a few months later, after savoring a few bites of Mr. Moose's steak.). The story of the hunting trip made it into "Outdoor Life" magazine.

Little did anyone realize at that time how much Mr. Moose would travel after his (un)timely death. Manitoba to Michigan in 1970. Michigan to Montana in 1976, where for nearly thrity years he'd look out at the beautiful Bitter Root Mountains and long for the freedom of the wilderness. Then in 2004 he was on the road again, traveling from Montana back across the Rockies, the western plains, the Missouri, and the Mississippi rivers, to the hills of Kentucky. Posted by Hello

Wow! Look at my dad! I'm shocked! I don't remember ever seeing this picture! Probably didn't, since I was already married and moved out by that time. What a treat to see this picture of Dad! Thanks for posting it!
Could you email me this photo, Uncle Ed? I'd love to have it.
Sherry, I need your e-mail address to send it!
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