Friday, May 25, 2007


Grad Night Transportation

While Sherry was watching Pirates invade her living room, we watched a major transition outside our living room. It is "Grad Night," the first warm evening (75 F) we've had this year! Grads and escorts came in white shirts and black suits, tuxes and bow ties, long gown, some short gowns, many pink gowns, lime green gowns, and gowns of many other colors. But what caught our attention was the variety of vehicles that arrived from all directions. There were old trucks and new cars including a new Corvette, a loooong white limousine, a Jeep, a big 4X4 with ten (yes 10) headlights, a 1965-70 lincoln, a pre 1950 car that only Grandpa Smith would recognize, an old primer grey chev pickup, a shiny red 1950 International pickup, and... I could go on.

But the one that really caught our attention was the first arrival, pictured here. The horse is a 23 yar old Belgian and the black thing atop his collar is called a "scotch top!"
Congratulations Grads!

Saturday, May 19, 2007



This display was set up at my Mom's funeral. It shows her family and her life. The quilt on the bottom is one of the first of many quilts she made. She was taught by my Grandma Turner (her mother-in-law). She made quilts for virtually all her descendants and many more.
Mom's family: her four sons and daughter, her 3 daughters-in-law, 2 of her 11 gandchildren and 4 of her 14 great-grandchildren, a other extended family members.

Ted, Mary, Mom, and Bill about three months ago. This was when she was first admitted to hospital. This picture was taken on the last time Mom went to church and out for dinner.

Suzanne and Roger, great-grandchild number 14, born just three weeks before Mom's passing. She saw Roger twice and remembered his name the second time she saw him (even though she forgot other people's names). This was in answer to my prayer than she would live to enjoy this new little one.

The funeral went exceptionally well, with all of the immediate family participating. I've never heard so many positive comments about a funeral service.
And life goes on, as these pictures show. I find myself thinking about the different generations of our family. From my grandparents down to our grand-children. I also see just how short life is. The other day I caught myself singing: "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through!" My thoughts go in figure eights sometimes but I realize more and more how good God is. Mom is with Him, and Dad, and other relatives, including her niece who died just the day before Mom. (I'll save that story for later)
The rest of us live on, for a while anyway, enjoying our kids, grandkids and hopefully, great-grandkids some day. And we serve our Lord, knowing than only what is done for Him will last.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Home at Last!

Grandma Turner, my Mom, is home at last! She is reunited with her husband and many other family members and friends.

Grandma passed away this past Saturday afternoon at about 3:00 p.m. Colleen and I were in Camrose with Suzanne and Roger at the time. (Oh yes, Great Grandma got to see Roger, twice! Praise the Lord.)

Her funeral will be Friday afternoon.

All of my Mom's children will be participating in the service. I will be bringing the message.

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