Sunday, August 12, 2007


Community Church Service

After my Mom's funeral, I was asked to speak at a Community Church Service that was being planned. People from several churches in the Ponoka area were involved in it. It was held this morning as a part of the County Fair. Where was it? At the Ponoka Stampede Grounds! Just to the left and kind of under the grand stands (pictured here) is the Longscore Saloon. That's where the service was held. It was at 9:30 this morning in conjunction with a pancake breakfast.

I believe this picture removes all doubt that it was in a Saloon!

My brother Bill (centre) played his fiddle as part of the worship music. Here he is reciting a poem he had written about "Puppy," a cattle dog he had to put down. A real tear-jerker that has an excellent gospel message to it. A Rancher and a Farmer each gave a testimony to God's amazing grace working to bring them to Jesus Christ. There was lots of singing and several special numbers. One lady sang "Jesus Take the Wheel" every bit as good as Kerry Underwood. (even better because I could make out every word -a powerful message.) Another young lady sang about claiming our victory over Satan. I needed that right about then. As she put it afterwords: "Satan was nipping at your heals!"

I claimed my victory in Christ and relied on the power of the Holy Spirit as I told a modern day version of the Prodigal Son, concluding with a gospel presentation and an application about both confessing (apologizing) and forgiving.

It was amazing how the service all fit together. When we step back and let the Holy Spirit direct each person as to what they should sing or share, He puts together a much better service that we humans ever could on our own.

The long (6 hour) drive home was a blessed time of praising God for His goodness in many ways.
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Excellent! God's work can be done anywhere! I'm so glad you got to be a part of this!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
It sounds like it was a Holy Spirit,power packed Community Church Service.Its wonderful that you were able to be a tool for the Lord Jesus Christ.The place where it was held looks great and the pancake breakfast sounds like it was probably delicious.
sound totally awesome. you are right it is when we let the Holy Spirit take control of a meeting things happen awesomely.
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