Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Price of Gasoline?

With the price of gasoline soaring to record heights this summer, it's quite surprising to see a sign like this one outside a service station. For about two weeks now this station here in Camrose has had this price posted. In fact, many Petro-Canada stations across Alberta have been showing the same price. What is going on in the "Texas" of Canada?

If gas prices are high, why is it low?
What's going on I'd like to know.
Who can tell me why it is so?
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Sunday, August 24, 2008


Block Party

Several churches and Christian organizations threw a block party at the school behind Thomas's house yesterday. It was a perfect day, sunny and warm and calm but not too hot (like we have been having). Quite a few people came out.

Roger enjoyed several activities including going on the slide, with Grandma's help of course.

Jasmin, a neighbour girl, took Roger for a walk. Her brother Shianne found a garter snake.
We were served a wonderful burger and potato salad supper. Seconds, and thirds and fourths, were allowed. You can see the portable kitchen in the background.

Afterwords we had some local entertainment. Brian was supposed to sing but he and Sue had a free lobster supper to go to. Can't miss that!This is Lyndi Olson. He played classical guitar for us.I first knew him as "Uncle Willy" when we listened to his kids show from CFCW in Camrose every afternoon some 50 years ago. I once met him at camp about 20 years ago and told him my twin brother and I listened to him back in Ponoka when we were young. He asked: "Were your nicknames....?" He was correct. I was surprised that he remembered them after so many years. He had learned them from his brother-in-law, a neighbor farmer in our area. According to my Dad, that was were we were first given our nicknames. Yesterday he still remembered those nicknames.

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