Sunday, August 26, 2007


Damsel in Distress, Needs Carrots

Last night I was up on a ladder insulating our garage, when the phone rang. It was Wascally Wabbit and she was definitely in distress! She had just worked an extra long day at Wal-Mart and then on the way home had run out of carrots. Fortunately she was only a mile and a half from home.

So I grabbed what few carrots I had for the lawn mower and headed out to look for her. On the way out of the driveway I noticed that I was quite low on carrots too. (Wouldn't that be something for me to be sitting on the side of the road, carrotless, with her?) Fortunately I had a small reserve supply I could switch to.

I soon caught up to Wascally Rabbit (not hard to do since she could not hop very far with no carrots). I gave her the few carrots I had. Her vehicle started on the second try so I got into the truck and waited for her to hop of Carrot Supply. But she did not move. So I got out and walked up to her window to see what the problem was. Well, her car would run but it did not have enough carrot-power to move. I asked her to rev up the engine a bit, then put it in drive, and see if the car would take off. She did, and it did. It was a bit of a shock to see a car zooming past my nose! Afterwards we had a good laugh when Wabbit said, "I hoped the rear tire missed your toes!" (I think the problem was just a dirty old carrot or two in her throat!)

I pulled into Carrot Supply beside her and we each replenished our supply. $138 of carrots , two Pepsi's and a Mountain Dew later we were glad to get home. After a day like that Wabbit NEEDED two Pepsi's!

wow! sounds like you had quite the adventure. hope that your tows didn't get hopped on to hard by the way check out my blog for some exciting news
How very gallant of you to save the damsel in distress! Keep her tank full of carrots from now on, okay?
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