Tuesday, July 01, 2008


How We Celebrated Canada Day

Thomas is packed and ready to go to Grandma Dumont's house. It is near Mayerthorp (almost half-way back to Grande Prairie. The kids are buckled in and Mom and Dad are at the controls.

We had a great day and overnight at Bert and Betty's home. We enjoyed their hospitality, their hot top, their cooking and their sixty odd outdoor lights in their two acre yard.

Colleen and I returned early. She had to work the later shift at Wal-Mart. I went to the Camrose Museum. This is a replica of the first house in Camrose. The original was built is 1893.

The old schoolhouse reminded me of the one where I attended VBS when I was 4. Take note of the rules the teachers had to follow, especially the last one.

When the rest of the family returned, we went to Boston Pizza for supper. then we celebrated Suzanne's **th birthday with a Dairy Queen Cake.

We also drove past our new home just to remind ourselves that, yes, we do have a home which we will be occupying soon.
At 10:30 p.m. Colleen was off work so we when and watched the fireworks, not far from our homes.
Thank you Lord for a wonderful family, an enjoyable 4 day weekend, and a nice home soon.

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Sounds like & looks like everyone had an enjoyable double celebration!
It sounds like you had a wonderful faily time celebrating a couple of special times.I could use an update on Brian please through email if needed.Also I need an address to send something to you.Thank-you for your patience.Love you lots and sure am glad you are enjoying what the Lord has provided.Our computer hard drove went bad so we couldn't be on here for a while.Love ya and will be updating my blog shortly.
sounds like you all had lots of fun. wish we could have been there. cake is always good and pizza is the best.
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