Monday, January 05, 2009



We've been hibernating quite a bit the past few days. The Christmas and Boxing Week rushes are over. It was quite cold so we put our feet up for a while. In fact it was 40 below, more with the wind chill, Friday night and Sat.

At church on Sunday, our Pastor shared this:

Top Ten Ways to Know its Cold Outside

10. When you milk the cows you get ice cream, and when you milk the brown cows you get chocolate ice cream!

9. Your shadow freezes to the sidewalk.

8. The showman knocks on the door and asks to sleep on the couch.

7. Only people like "Ed" and "Bob" have enough time to write their names in the snow. (Yes he said that!)

6. You have to open the fridge to heat the house.

5. The police tell a robber to freeze, and he does.

4. People look forward to getting a fever.

3. The fire department advises you to set your house on fire.

2. Chickens are storming the local KFC restaurant to use the deep fryer.

1. Lawyers and politicians have their hands in their own pockets.

Don't dispare, today it's a balmy -10 C (+14 F). So I washed a couple of vehicles.

First off,I absolutely love this picture.Second off,I laughed hysterically as I read down the list of ways to know its cold outside.Love ya and stay warm which it looks like you are attempting to do.
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